Porque é que o Desktop em Linux não vinga?
Estava a ver umas notícias no osnews e encontrei este artigo sobre esta temática. São abordados vários pontos interessantes, embora eu não concorde com todos os aspectos, uma vez que vão surgindo distribuições Linux que vão retirando alguma da complexidade que pode afastar os utilizadores do Windows de usarem Linux. Mas haverá sempre a questão da complexidade da instalação do Hardware, devido à falta de drivers, mas isso está a mudar.
Fica um excerto:
There's more. If you ask people why they don't swith to Linux—and get an answer—most often the answer will be games. Another difference between technology enthusiasts and the mob is that the former consider the computer as a tool, while the latter perceive it as an entertainment device. While it does not mean the former cannot be a gamer, that won't stop him from running his favorite OS, but the latter won't see it as being worth the hassle. Get real: most people use their desktop computer for chatting, steal^H^H^H^H^Hlistening to music and watching movies, and playing games. They couldn't care less about OpenOffice or The GIMP. This is why there is a race between computer makers to bring the desktop computer to the living room. Is there anyone left believing buying a computer will help their children get better grades, anyway?
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